Over 38 years in Lakeland, Florida
Through recessions, good times and bad times, Alarm Center has been right here protecting Polk County. While other alarm companies have come and gone – companies like Sonitrol, ADT, Security Link, Scott Alarm, Brinks and many others have closed their offices in Lakeland, Florida – Alarm Center is the one company with a storefront location. We are here to serve you. Stop in to get advice, meet your installers, buy parts, ask questions, pay your bills, or just stop in to say hello. Alarm Center is one constant in an always-changing city.
Have questions? Give us a call.

Real people
In a time were our “out of town competitors” phones are answered by computers and answering services, our office is staffed 9-5, Monday through Friday and phone calls are always answered by knowledgeable Alarm Center personnel.

Active owner involvement
Owner/operator Cory Plante is always available to serve you

Fantastic Technicians
All installation technicians have more than 10 years of service with Alarm Center and are well-trained, efficient and friendly.

Local UL-listed central station monitoring.
Located in Orlando, Florida, not out of state or even out of the country. Compare that to the “out-of-town guys.”

Guaranteed lowest prices on identical equipment.
It’s just common sense. The “out-of-town guys” cannot compete with a local company on price.

Unmatched technology
We have cellular monitoring, touch screen controls, two-way voice service, geo services, patented “smash and crash” protection, remote control of alarm system, door locks, and remote control of your lights, appliances, and thermostats from your smart phone, computer or tablet. Alarm Center stays on the cutting edge of security technology.

It just makes sense
Local companies provided better service, better prices, and we use our own long term employees to install your security alarm. No contract labor as some of the “Out of Town Guys” use. As of course, money spend locally stays in the local economy.